Reading file creation time in CFML using the java.nio.file package

UPDATE The issue with the getClass() method not working on Java Interfaces is limited to the Lucee engine, and a patch has been created to address it.

Using the provider namespace in ColdBox/WireBox with JavaLoader

ColdBox has a tremendously powerful IOC engine called WireBox bundled with the framework.

Updated Script to Start and Stop Lucee and Nginx on OSX

I decided to write a script to automate the process of starting and stopping Lucee and Nginx on my laptop.

A Proper IDE for the new Lucee scripting language

Today on the Lucee mailing list I read a post that JetBrains would likely be removing CFML from its list of supported languages in their IntelliJ IDE.

Compiling Apache James 3.0 with Eclipse (DOC)

Compiling Apache James 3.0 with Eclipse (PDF)




Walkthrough Tutorials - Compiling Apache James v3 with Eclipse

Related to my recent links to video instructions for compiling Apache James v3 on the command line or with a combination of command line and Eclipse tooling, Bernd Waibel (bwaibel@intarsys.

Real-time server debug info using NodeJS, jQuery, Websockets and Logbox

Server-side debugging can be a painful process. Creating Rich Internet Applications - RIAs - ( or single-page apps by another name ) in particular can frustrate even the most experienced developers.