January 20, 2022 House Update
I have to admit that January has been disappointing on the house build front. I got a few hundred blocks on the walls, but I was really hoping to be close to done by now.
A big snowstorm on New Year’s Day put the kibosh on that plan and made it tough to do much of anything for most of the month. We got a smaller snowfall a couple of days ago, but I managed to clear enough of it to keep it from being a problem.
February is looking cold to start, but with a little luck I’ll be closing in on the finish of the walls in 3-4 weeks.
I got the fireplace materials, I’m waiting on the refractory mortar amd then I’ll build the fireplaces as the rest of the walls go up.
On a positive note, I finly got a generator big enough to power my big table masonry saw, so cutting blocks to fit will no longer be a major hassle.