April 30, 2024 House Update

Latest house update.

I am very nearly done stuccoing the inside of the house. I have a ceiling for one bathroom and walls in another bathroom and a WC left. I ran out of the Vasari stucco I was using and I need to order more. Sadly I have to pay full price after getting the last batch at a very deep discount.

Now I need to finish the bathtub spaces and do the floors, then put in cabinets, etc. to finish the inside.

The Vasari stucco is pale yellow. My daughter wanted something else for her room so we settled on buckskin brown. I’m doing the bathroom ceilings in colonial white like the closets and kitchen wall. I made a slight mess, cleanup next.

There are still tons of little details to finish, like cleaning and staining the door/window lintels, and staining/painting the “vines” I made to track the electrical lines. You can see them next to the door.

In case you are wondering, the stucco isn’t completely dry yet. The colors will settle a little bit more over time.

Word to the wise, stuccoing a ceiling by hand is a PITA. And wear goggles, that stuff burns.

I need to figure out how to secure the vent fan/lights in the bathroom. I’m thinking metal straps above and taping to cover the edges, but I want to check with the electrician first.

buckskin brown stucco

bathroom ceiling stucco