Livesandbox Web app editor v 0.11.0
Good news for open source JavaScript supporters- the livesandbox project is nearing a 1.0.0 release. I have added some of the missing features in the beta roadmap. You can see the project on it GitHub page.
Updates in this release:
- add notifications on save and delete of apps and libraries
- add confirmation dialogs when abandoning changes in apps and libraries
- update database to change JS, CSS, and HTML fields to text from varchar to accommodate larger projects
- update to altseven remote module to return promises from invoked remote methods so promises can be handled from calling code
These changes bring the editing experience closer to what developers (certainly myself) would expect to see in an editor application.
For a v 1.0.0 release, I expect to add a user profile page. I am also considering making public (anonymous) access part of the release. An admin system and multi-user access (viewing applications of other users) may also be part of the release, though I have not scoped these features and am not yet ready to commit to making them part of the release.