Livesandbox Web app editor v 0.9.4
Another update of the livesandbox editor is available on GitHub. I made some important fixes to the application and wanted get this code released as soon as possible.
Updates in this release.
- fix update/read issues with saving apps
- change editor layout
- fix sometimes incorrect saving of esModule bit field
- fix save/retrieval/loading of app libraries
- add getApps and getLibraries stored procedures to git
- update db dump
- set editor to wrap long lines so the editor width does not grow beyond 50% of sandbox width
Upgrading from previous releases:
In addition to pulling the latest master (or the 0.9.4 tag) from GitHub, you will need to update the getApps stored procedure in the database. A SQL script has been added to ./database/getApps.sql with the updated stored procedure code. You can, if you prefer, simply replace the previous database with the new backup in the ./database folder.
The application is getting closer to being stable and feature complete for a 1.0.0 release. Outstanding tasks:
- add notifications on successful save/delete of apps and libraries
- add warnings when discarding unsaved changes
- add paging for apps and libraries lists
I may or may not add an admin feature as part of the 1.0.0 release.