Related to my recent links to video instructions for compiling Apache James v3 on the command line or with a combination of command line and Eclipse tooling, Bernd Waibel (bwaibel@intarsys.
Server-side debugging can be a painful process. Creating Rich Internet Applications - RIAs - ( or single-page apps by another name ) in particular can frustrate even the most experienced developers.
A few years ago, Douglas Crockford wrote a seminal post on prototypal inheritance in JavaScript where he argued:
If you have a local repo that you want to add as a new project to GitHub, follow these simple steps:
Lucee Server (www.lucee.org) is a new application server that sits on the JVM.
Update I have written a new blog post with an updated script that starts and stops Lucee (Tomcat) as a non-root user on OSX.
MongoDB offers an alternative to traditional database stores. It also offers an alternative persistence store to the file system for storing binary files on the server.
Update: Looks like this is a bug in the MongoDB extension.
There is a new kid on the block in the land of open source CFML engines.