There is an update to the Tasklist altseven example application, and it's awesome.
Based on my proof of concept for live JavaScript execution, I've built a slightly more functional version and released it at https://github.
Here is a simple Web page that loads and executes JavaScript from a DIV in the browser.
As of altseven 3.2.x, I have made some changes to the way view components listen for changes and register for rendering with the render queue.
Update ------------ Parts of this post are no longer accurate, as altseven 3.
Eighteen days seems like forever in the Internet age. It was only eighteen days ago that I wrote Part I of this article about challenges solving some problems with building a React-style rendering solution in the altseven JavaScript framework.
Since I am covering the tasklist application in some detail, I'd like to walk you through the process of setting it up so you can run it yourself.
I spent yesterday adding support for ES6 Template Literals as an alternative to Mustache/Handlebars.
I just published gadget-ui v. 6.0.0. There are no significant changes or additions to the library itself, but I have added ES6 modules exports to support importing the library, in whole or in part, using the ES6 import command.
A few days ago, I posted a NodeJS application built around a REST API, and some further thoughts around architecture with the NodeJS mysql package.