Have you ever been on a network connection with limited bandwidth and wondered what process was eating your bandwidth and preventing you from getting your work done?
I am tickled pink to report that there are more Linux users than macOS users viewing this site.
Nearing completion of the trenching for my footers. I need one more trench down the middle for plumbing.
Between the cold and the epic snowstorms, February was not productive, but warmer weather is coming, and I’ve started on the footers for the house.
I’ve been in the process of gearing up to build a house for the family.
My last entry, Generating a self-signed SSL certififcate, was made nine months ago, so what have I been up to in the meantime?
Quick note on my home construction project. I am prepping the site for soil compaction inspection so I can start digging footers.
One of the tasks every software developer needs to tackle periodically is generating a self-signed SSL certificate in one form or another for the purpose of testing SSL-secured software systems.
It's been just over a year since I covered developments in the altseven framework.
The next release of the livesandbox Javascript/Web app in-browser editor is now available.