Background The practice of software is part engineering and part craft.
After a review of the AOP implementation with tiny-aop, I decided to remove tiny-aop in favor of using middleware with Express routes.
There is an update to the Tasklist altseven example application, and it's awesome.
Based on my proof of concept for live JavaScript execution, I've built a slightly more functional version and released it at https://github.
Here is a simple Web page that loads and executes JavaScript from a DIV in the browser.
As of altseven 3.2.x, I have made some changes to the way view components listen for changes and register for rendering with the render queue.
Update ------------ Parts of this post are no longer accurate, as altseven 3.
Eighteen days seems like forever in the Internet age. It was only eighteen days ago that I wrote Part I of this article about challenges solving some problems with building a React-style rendering solution in the altseven JavaScript framework.
Since I am covering the tasklist application in some detail, I'd like to walk you through the process of setting it up so you can run it yourself.
I spent yesterday adding support for ES6 Template Literals as an alternative to Mustache/Handlebars.