ES6 Module Patterns Since I started working on the altseven JavaScript framework several years ago, I have adopted a lot of ES6 conventions, including the use of ES6 modules as the standard means of packaging JavaScript files.
Today I am going to explore the View component of the altseven JavaScript framework.
Latest house update. I am very nearly done stuccoing the inside of the house.
New house update. Finish stucco is taking longer than I hoped, in part because I have too many other responsibilities, in part because I am using a pool float and sponge to apply it rather than spraying.
Newest house update. Winter is coming to a close, but we just got a reminder that it isn’t quite gone yet.
In the home stretch. I’ve been meaning to write this post for a few days now, but I just haven’t had the time.
Attention all developers! Our very own client-side JavaScript framework, alt-seven, is in the works and we need your help.
I am behind on updates, so I thought I would post my latest house progress this evening.
Last update. It snowed again, so I haven’t quite finished the flashing on the roof.
Time for another update on the house build. I got the last metal roof panel on yesterday.