On a regular basis, I get asked by students and young professionals what kind of laptop/computer configuration I recommend for various kinds of work like graphic design, programming, and statistical analysis.
For the new year, I have decided to blog with a partial focus on answering questions.
I've been using the Web since almost the very beginning, and never have I seen more problems with the usefulness and usability of corporate web sites than I have seen recently.
[ This post is part of my ongoing instructional series on setting up some baseline IT infrastructure for the fictional startup Shoestring Lab.
Good news for open source JavaScript supporters- the livesandbox project is nearing a 1.
Another update of the livesandbox editor is available on GitHub.
Following the release of a work in progress update to gadget-ui, I've spent some time this weekend on an update to the beta release of the livesandbox web app editor.
The latest gadget-ui library update is available on GitHub and npm.
Background The practice of software is part engineering and part craft.
After a review of the AOP implementation with tiny-aop, I decided to remove tiny-aop in favor of using middleware with Express routes.