When you download files from the Internet, particularly source files for programs, or compiled binaries, you may often see checksums next to the download links or contained in files in an FTP server.
Compiling Nginx, like other open source projects, tends to be a bit of a moving target.
In case you haven't heard yet, npm broke a significant chunk of the Internet yesterday.
Building complex JavaScript front-ends is complicated. Grunt can help you improve your code/debug lifecycle by automating a lot of repetitive tasks that otherwise take up a lot of your time.
Having installed and configured Grunt in Part I and Part II of our series on automating JavaScript builds, we proceed to the heart of the matter - configuring Grunt tasks to automate away the tedium of building our JavaScript client app from source files.
If you work on single-page apps and other JavaScript-centric Web development, you quickly learn that the code-debug cycle in client-side JavaScript is anything but automatic.
I recently had a need to equip a computer running Linux ( Lubuntu ) with a Wi-Fi adapter.
UPDATE The issue with the getClass() method not working on Java Interfaces is limited to the Lucee engine, and a patch has been created to address it.
ColdBox has a tremendously powerful IOC engine called WireBox bundled with the framework.
I decided to write a script to automate the process of starting and stopping Lucee and Nginx on my laptop.