I have been looking for an Eclipse color theme that was light rather than dark but still easy on the eyes.
A bug reported in Apache James mail server was causing the sender smtp server to be incorrectly reported to the receiving SMTP server.
I've just hit a bug in the build system on OS X Mavericks that looks to be due to an update of XCode 6.
Just discovered my locate database in OS X is corrupt.
I just released videos on YouTune that demonstrate how to build Apache James mail server from source via two methods:
The Oracle JDK is no longer maintained in the Ubuntu repository, but if you want to install it, there is still a way to install via apt.
Lately I have been working with the Apache James mail server, and I have needed to build it from source.
Updated Click here to see my updated instructions on compiling Nginx - April 2016 To Compile NGINX from source on Ubuntu, just follow these steps.
I struggled to find this anywhere else on Google. When I installed ColdFusion 10 (on my Mac, 10.
Setting up Go on OS X involves several steps.