Re-factoring CFML Applications, Part 3

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, I laid out the background on web development, why there are many applications running today that need significant work to bring them up to date with current technology, and how you can plan a project to re-factor your application in FW/1 without re-writing from scratch.

Re-factoring CFML applications, Part 2

In Re-Factoring CFML Applications, Part 1, I gave some background about the development of old applications and how over time they degrade and become difficult to maintain and extend, and then I laid out some reasons for re-factoring versus re-writing from scratch, and I provided some background on the development of application frameworks and how they have helped standardize software development over time.

Re-factoring CFML Applications, Part 1

I’ve been so busy with my house build and learning all about construction techniques for Southwest architecture that I haven’t written anything about software in quite some time.

July 25th 2023 House Update

Big update today on the house build. Things are moving along, and if you guessed that I’m nearing the completion of the project, you would be right.

June 15th 2023 House Update

As promised, I have an update on my house build. The trusses have been up and braced and done for a little while, I’ve added the overhangs for the gable ends, and I’ve framed in the top frame for the skylights, though not the channels down to the ceiling below.

May 15th 2023 House Update

Big progress happening on the house build. The trusses are on the house.

Spring 2023 House Update

Spring update on the house build. I finally got the trusses for the roof delivered, and then this happened.

4-12 House Update

The weather has finally improved after a snowy and cold winter, and I’ve started to make real progress on the house again.

February 3, 2023 House Update

Well, the crane truck came today and accomplished one of the few things I could not actually do myself- put the vigas on the house.

Dirt Floors in Earthen Construction

A lot of people associate the phrase “earthen construction” with the material used to build walls- adobe, rammed earth, CEB.