CEB House Update 11-20-21

More progress this week on the walls of the house. I’m hoping to have the window and door frames all installed during the coming week, then it’s just a race to get the walls all the way up before winter kicks in.

CEB House Update 11-13

Quick update on the house build. I’m getting the 5th course of blocks on the wall.

10-24 House Update

Finishing the 3rd course of blocks tomorrow and working on the 4th course.

10-21 House Update

Almost done with the 2nd course of blocks, will finish up tomorrow and work on the fireplace bases.

9-28 House Update

I got the first course of blocks finished over the weekend.

09-11 House Update

Laid the first two blocks on the wall this morning.

09-02 House Update

Finished the floor today. A summer full of rain and heat has been an obstacle, but I got it done.

7-28 House Update

A week late and with much inconvenience due to a strong monsoon season, the concrete fill has been poured in the stem wall and the radiant heat piping has been laid.

7-22 House Update

Status of my project as of this afternoon. I had laid the vapor barrier and the rigid foam insulation under the slab by Tuesday morning.

Configuring SSL in Apache James Email Server

If you have followed my post on (Installing and Configuring Apache James)[/blog/install-and-configure-apache-james/], you will have installed your base Apache James server and have the settings configured to send and receive mail for one or more domains.