December 6th, 2023 House Update

Last update. It snowed again, so I haven’t quite finished the flashing on the roof.

November 19th, 2023 House Update

Time for another update on the house build. I got the last metal roof panel on yesterday.

November 5th, 2023 House Update

Well, I was set with the stucco base coat and ready to accept that’s how the house would look until Spring.

October 31st House Update

Another update on the house build. I finished the stucco base coat a couple of days ago.

October 2nd House Update

Here are a few shots of the interior of the house, featuring electrical and plumbing work.

September 30th House Update

Time for another update on the house build. Today was my birthday, so naturally I worked on the house.

Re-factoring CFML Applications - Part 5 - Splitting up Your Code

In Part 5 of the series on re-factoring CFML applications, I go into specific details of how you might split up your existing code in order for it to fit in your new FW/1 application.

Re-factoring CFML Applications, Part 4- From Tags to Script

In the first three parts of this series on re-factoring CFML applications, I covered the general concepts around re-factoring and laid out a set of plans for how you can go about re-factoring your application piece by piece.

Integrating Web Apps with Static Sites

Last year, I switched my blog from using a content management application to using a static site generator Hugo to serve a static web site.

August 22nd House Update

Time for an update on the house build. I have all the windows in now, and the foam insulation is complete on the outside of the house.